The King And I

14231155_10209342749821542_2973621871437119961_oTuptim was the first legit soprano role that I ever performed. Up until that time I thought I was just a “belter” (a singer who “belts” out pop songs in the middle of their range).

It was truly a surprise to me when I was cast as Tuptim by one of the directors who worked at the Music Center in Los Angeles.

I was also terrified.

I had two legit songs to sing: “My Lord and Master” and a duet, “We Kiss In The Shadows.”

14258161_10209342798902769_2155259507831424074_oWhen you’re rehearsing and performing a musical, the first thing to give out from exhaustion is your voice. Rehearsing for weeks and then performing all those high notes show-after-show, eight shows a week, can be particularly exhausting… especially if you are a tired “belter” who hops across a stage as big as a football field every night.

So I quickly went to work with Seth Riggs and his amazing wife Florence Riggs.

There I learned some very weird and wonderful vocal exercises that blended the middle of my voice and opened up the high notes.

Thank goodness!

14231909_10209342802982871_3986353115949459646_oEven though I was terrified and wondered what I was doing there before every performance, all went well. Everyone just took me to be a delicate Lyric Soprano when I knew in my heart I was born to belt out Annie Get Your Gun.

Ahhh… Life! We make plans and Life just plays jokes and spins us around.

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